Doctors (EN)

Park Young Woo

Park Young Woo

Department of Thoracic Surgery

Position: Professor


Angina pectoris, valvular defects, heart diseases in adults (aortic diseases) and lung diseases, mediastinal diseases, esophageal diseases, respiratory tract diseases, other diseases of the chest


Bachelor's Degree from Soonchunhyang University Medical College

Master's Degree from the Medical College of Soonchunhyang University

Residency training at the Sunchonhyang Medical Center in Seoul in the specialty of thoracic surgery

Soonchunhyang Medical Center, Puchon, Department of Thoracic Surgery, clinical instructor

Soonchunhyang Medical Center, Kumi, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Clinical Associate Professor

Central Hospital for Veterans, Head of the Clinical Department

Soonchunhyang Medical Center, Seoul, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Clinical Associate Professor

Soonchunhyang Medical Center, Seoul, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Professor
Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Seoul city