Doctors (EN)

Lee GiCheol

Lee GiCheol

Department of Dentistry

Position: Professor. Specialist in the treatment of diseases of the temporomandibular joint, as well as pain and disorders in the head and neck.

Temporomandibular joint disease, head and neck pain, dental implantation, orthognathic surgery, other oral surgery

In 1990 he graduated from the Dental College of Seoul National University. 1990-1994 - internship in the field of maxillofacial surgery at the Dental Hospital of Seoul National University. 2005 Training of the Japanese Pattern Research Society 2003Professor and Manager of Bucheon Hospital, Soonchunhyang University Branch 2016 Professor and Manager of Seoul Soonchunhyang UniversityHospital Professor of Soonchunhyang University Hospital and Bucheon Hospital (responsible for the treatment of diseases of the temporomandibular joint and head and neck diseases) Seoul National University College of Dentistry, Visiting Professor (Maxillofacial Surgery)

A dentist who uses various specialized treatments and advanced surgical skills to treat various dental diseases that occur in complex structures of the face and mouth.
After graduating from the Seoul National University Dental College, he specialized in maxillofacial surgery at the Seoul National University Dental Hospital, received a master's degree and a doctorate from the same graduate school, and also studied at the Japanese Template Research Society. Currently, we provide continuous education and training for Korean dentists, as well as lectures at dental colleges and graduate schools, as well as various dental courses and training courses for foreign dentists. As a professor at Seoul's Soonchunhyang University Hospital and Bucheon Hospital, he is responsible for the treatment of diseases of the temporomandibular joint, as well as head and neck diseases. In addition, he is an advisor to the Korean Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons and a reviewer of the Journal of the Korean Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons. He has written numerous articles and "Physical Analysis of Jaw Movement: The Quadrant Theorem".

Seoul Soonchunhyang University Hospital and Bucheon Hospital Dentistry use rich clinical experience and diagnostic equipment to find out the causes of dental diseases, and professors from various departments provide the best treatment results in a comprehensive and systematic way. In addition, for the successful treatment of dental patients, we are a leader in the development of the latest treatments and reasonable treatments. Currently, patients are undergoing various courses of treatment in the USA, Russia, Mongolia, China and Southeast Asia.
Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Seoul city