Endoscopic treatment of colon tumors, cold loop polypectomy, endoscopic dissection of the submucosal layer in the early stages of colon cancer, chemotherapy for colon cancer, inflammatory diseases
Education and experience
Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiologist
Doctoral studies at Soonchunhyang University Medical College
Department of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, specialist
Gastroenterology Department, specialist
Soonchunhyang Medical Center, Seoul, Department of Gastroenterology, Professor
Internship at Stanford University Hospital (USA)
Soonchunhyang Medical Center, Seoul, Checkup Diagnostic Center, Director (present)
Scientific activity
Member of the Korean Society of Gastroenterologists and Endoscopists
Member of the Korean Society for Gastrointestinal Cancer
Member of the Korean Society of Gastroenterologists
Academic member of the Korean Society of Gastroenterologists and Endoscopists
Vice President of the Korean Society of Screening Diagnostics (2019–present)
Chairman of the Korean Society for the Study of Intestinal Diseases and the Korean Society for the Study of Intestinal Tumors (2019– present)
Member of the Asian Group on New Biovisualization and Intervention (ANBIIG) (2019~)
Member of the Asian New Bioimage and Intervention Group (2019-present)